This is a simple picture puzzle with a configurable number of columns and rows. Select from 2 to 10 columns and 2 to 10 rows for a total of from 4 to 100 that when dragged and rotated to the correct position will complete the diesel backhoe picture. The puzzle pieces rotate 90 degrees at a time, so there are four possible angles for each puzzle piece. Double tap to rotate a puzzle piece and just drag it in place over the grayed out backhoe picture that acts as a guide for placement of each piece. Each piece snaps to place when close to position. The puzzle piece shape is configurable in the Setup view. Select either simple rectangular shapes or the more traditional jigsaw shape.
When the puzzle is completed, the backhoe suddenly comes alive by starting its diesel engine, belching smoke from the smoke stack, and by moving its hydraulic cylinders!
Note: This App is designed for iPad only.